It’s time to consider the transient and frequency response of this network:

The transform voltage along the line in terms of the transform voltage at the input is given as:
Apply a unit-step impulse where Vo(s) = s-1
The only singularities are the poles of V(s,x) which are located at s = 0. The roots of sinh(Γd) = 0 come from:
Combining equations gives:
The poles are complex for large k, may be negative real for small k
Generalizing the pole locations:
The inverse Laplace Transform is found using the residue theorem.
For t > 0:
which leads to:
At s = 0,
At s = -α + j ωk:
Finally coming to the solution:
The first term is the steady-state solution; the second is the transient solution.
If the line is a lossless LC network; i.e., R = G = 0
giving the solution:
Now consider a distributed RC network; i.e., L = G = 0 stimulated by a unit-step input. Although the above derivation may be used, consider the following:
The transform of the voltage across the network as a function of position is given as:
With a unit-step input:
the roots are located at
A bit of algebraic tweaking gives:
That’s good for now. Next: Lumped Parameter Representation