The transmission lines are not always uniform across the line. Assume the following network:
Both the per-unit-length series impedance and shunt admittance are functions of s as well as x. We assume initial conditions are zero: no magnetic flux in inductances, no charge on capacitors. The equations based on incremental models assume a single-dimension variation.
Tweaking these results a bit provides a pair of equations relating the voltage and current to any point x
Set Z(s,x) = Z(s) F1(x) and Y(s,x) = Y(s) F2(x) where Z(s) = R(x) + s L(s) and Y(s) = G(s) + s C(s)
The solution to this expression can be in the form of V(s,x) = a Va(s,x) + b Vb(s,x)
That’s good for now. Next: General 2-Port