Distributed Parameters 3 – Non-Uniform Distribution
The transmission lines are not always uniform across the line. Assume the following network:

Both the per-unit-length… Read the rest
The transmission lines are not always uniform across the line. Assume the following network:
Both the per-unit-length… Read the rest
The determination of non-uniform current flow and equipotential lines of force are aided by the use of other coordinate… Read the rest
I left off the last section ready to cascade the ideal transmission line model. The cascaded model appears as:
which may … Read the rest
It’s time to readdress the definitions of parameters as they pertain to a general 2-port network which may consist… Read the rest
Consider a function of the form:
There exists a Taylor Series Expansion such that for any point p for p between… Read the rest
Consider a distributed RC network where:
and let
That was the simple part …
The first set of … Read the rest
It’s time to consider the transient and frequency response of this network:
The transform voltage along the line… Read the rest
Consider a short-circuited distributed RC section represented by N identical sections. A unit-step is applied at the … Read the rest
To this point, only one-dimensional effects have been considered. It’s now time to consider basic 2-dimensional… Read the rest
There is a lot of math in this article. I go through the excruciating detail I once went through as a student … and didn’t… Read the rest